My Web Design Experience

Technical Experience Summary
6 years hands-on digital graphic design experience using design tools from Adobe and Macromedia
6 years experience with the Java Programming Language, specifically to integrate custom, highly interactive and aesthetic web-based graphical interfaces to Servlets/JSPs, Java Data Sources (Macromedia Generator) and J2EE Application Servers using HTTP and XML
4 years experience with J2EE Application Servers: Weblogic 4/5/6/7 and JBoss
7 years experience with HTML and JavaScript
5 years Flash 4/5/MX and Macromedia Generator 2EE
3 years experience data communications between Java servlets and browser-resident Flash user interfaces using XML technologies: JAXP, DOM, SAX, JDOM
3 years experience with JSTL/STRUTS
High level of proficiency with Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, InDesign, JBuilder and Visual Studio .NET
Academic and Professional Education
Certified Macromedia Flash MX Designer - Macromedia, Inc. December 2002
Developing Enterprise Applications Using EJB and JMS - BEA Systems, May, 2001
Advanced Flash ActionScripting - Macromedia, Inc. December, 2000
Solaris 8 Operating Environment for Systems Administrators - Sun Microsystems, Inc. August, 2000
EJB Programming Using the WebLogic Application Server - WebLogic, Inc. December, 1999
Java Programming, Java Certification - Sun Microsystems, Inc. September, 1999
Java Programming - UC Berkely Extension September, 1998
San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, Music Education in Piano and Voice
San Joaquin Delta College, Stockton, CA, Music Performance and Theory


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